Next Distinguished Lecture on NeuroGenderings 13. February 2025

We are honored to announce the following Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) with Prof. Sigrid Schmitz. Her lecture on NeuroGenderings: Approaches for a Sex/Gender informed Brain Research takes place on Thursday, February 13rd (16:00-18:00) at IMGWF in Lübeck and via Webex. 

For the 4th installment of our Distinguished Lecture Series, we are pleased to welcome Sigrid Schmitz, Professor for Gender Studies at the University of Vienna and for Gender and Science at the Humboldt-University of Berlin. Sigrid Schmitz, Dr. habil. currently chairs the project Gendering MINT didaktisch-digital at the Center for transdisciplinary Gender Studies of Humboldt University of Berlin, where she develops Open Educational Resources to transfer knowledge about gender aspects into STEM disciplines. With a PhD and a venia legendi in biology, her research in Feminist Science Technology Studies focuses on gender & brain, on temporary neurocultures, body discourses, and feminist epistemologies. As founding member of the international NeuroGenderings networkSigrid Schmitz edited Gendered NeuroCultures. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Current Brains Discourses (Zaglossus: Vienna, 2014, together with Grit Höppner). 


The brain is increasingly conceived as an open biological system developing in mutual interchange with experiences (brain plasticity). Such embodying of the social contests the nature-nurture dichotomy as well as binary sex differences, and, instead, highlights the sex/gender development of brain-behaviour relations. In the transdisciplinary NeuroGenderings network, scholars from neurosciences, gender/queer and feminist science technology studies develop conceptual approaches to analyze the entangled biological, social, and cultural variables that constitute sexed/gendered brains whilst acknowledging their diversity. In her talk, Sigrid Schmitz will outline the bio-socio-cultural approaches of NeuroGenderings, discuss their potentials for a sex/gender informed brain research, but also highlight the challenges, when it comes to specify, select, and negotiate the operationalized variables for empirical research.

For further information and Webex-Link please refer to the attached flyer and our website.

Online-attendance via Webex: Link to the Meeting 

Programm flyer for download: DLS 13.2.2025 Schmitz

The organization team at the iRTG.


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